Maintenance des serveurs mercredi 3 mai de 15h00 à 19h00 (35.1.2)
Les serveurs du Seigneur des Anneaux Online seront indisponibles mercredi 3 mai de 15h00 à 19h00 pour une mise à jour.
On notera à cette occasion l'arrivée du nouveau raid Gwathrenost la citadelle du Roi Sorcier disponible dans un premier temps aux niveaux T1 et T2.
Le T3 sera débloqué le 10 mai, le T4 le 24 mai et le T5 le 7 juin.
Les notes de version en français seront disponibles ultérieurement.
Les notes de version :
Here are the release notes for Update 35.1.2, released on Wednesday, May 3rd, 2023.
Of Special Note:
Gwathrenost, the Witch-king's Citadel has arrived!
"Once the seat of the Witch-king of Angmar, the dread citadel of Gwathrenost casts a long shadow upon the city of Carn Dûm. All but abandoned after the Steward of Angmar was deposed, the remnants of the Iron Crown have crept forth from the shadows, seeking to master a lost artifact of the Witch-king and reclaim dominion over the realm."
Players who wish to aid in the fight against the Iron Crown should travel to Bail Avarc in Angmar. Bail Avarc can be reached via the stable-masters at Esteldín, Gath Forthnír, and Rivendell. Bail Avarc can initially only be accessed via stable-master routes. Travel skills are also available for barter from the Stewards of the Iron-home.
Gwathrenost, the Witch-king's Citadel is a new 12-person Raid for Level 140 Players set in a re-imagined Carn Dûm! This Raid will be available on Tiers 1 and 2 at 12:00 PM Eastern, Wednesday May 3rd.
- Tier 3 unlocks on May 10th, 2023 starting at 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT)
- Tier 4 unlocks on May 24th at 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT)
- Tier 5 opens at 12:00 PM Eastern (-4 GMT) on June 7th
- The "Leading the Charge" deed for the raid is available to earn until 3:00 AM Eastern (-4 GMT) on September 7th, 2023.
News and Notes:
Avatar Update
- Several clipping and texture issues on clothing has been corrected.
- Many animation issues have been corrected, including the Beorning Bulging Eyes and the Travel Mount animation for Male Beorning and Race of Man
- The Character Appearance Menu in Character Generation and the Barbershop will now show group controls in categories.
- Barbershop now has lighting consistent with the character creation screen and is no longer tinted yellow.
- Male Race of Man character is now centered in the barbershop screen.
- The Emote 'dance_man3' will now display properly on Female Race of Man and Female Beorning.
General Notes
- Reward Track Season 6 debuts on May 17th at 10am server time.
- Incandescent Lightning Fireworks and Violet Explosion Fireworks now have corresponding firework sounds when used
- Eastfold and Kinstead premium housing now have additional neighborhoods available.
- The Kingstead housing committee discovered two neighborhoods with the same name. One of the Bitterwade neighborhoods has been renamed to Birkenbold.
- Missing structures in Mission: The High Dig are no longer missing!
- Text has been corrected for some source information in the Mount Collection panel.
Instance Rewards
- Sant Lhoer and Thaurisgar Earring stats adjusted slightly.
- Light shields no longer drop for Guardians in Sagroth.
- All three light shields can now drop for Captains and Minstrels in Sagroth.
- Rádarríg's Spear Carving's bonus now correctly applies to all Warden damage over time effects, rather than just physical bleeds.
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